If you have questions, please contact to below,but there is a quicker way to solve your questions. Please explore our FAQ page, it may answer for your needs.
We would like to inform you that our company does not directly handle international orders from consumers.
All our products available overseas are sold through authorized distributors and retail partners.
If you have purchased our products online and are experiencing issues such as receiving an incomplete order or a discrepancy in the quantity of items received, we kindly ask you to directly contact the retailer or online store from which you made the purchase.
Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated.
For any product-related inquiries or feedback, feel free to reach out to us, but remember, for the fastest resolution regarding order issues, your point of purchase should be your first contact.
Depending on what an inquiry is about, we may refer you to a distributor of ours. In the case, your information can be disclosed to them in order to facilitate smooth communication. If you are unwilling to, please mention it in the comment field.
If the inquiry Form does not work, please send your inquiry to
Address |
Zip-Code 720-0001
749 Kamiiwanari, Miyuki-Cho, Fukuyama-Shi, Hiroshima-Pref.,
Japan |
E-mail |
e-mail@miyuki-beads.co.jp |
Phone |
81-84-972-4747 |
Fax |
81-84-972-4745 |